
marți, 11 ianuarie 2011


VirtConomics este un simulator al unei economii reale, ce poate fi accesat cu orice browser. Nu necesita instalarea unor programe aditionale pe calculatorul dvs. pentru a putea fi jucat. La inregistrare, jucatorii devin antreprenori, putand sa planifice intalniri de afaceri, sa se angajeze la diferite companii, sa-si deschida propriile companii, castigand bani virtuali, ce vor putea fi transformati in bani reali. inscrierea este absolut GRATUITA!

Primul joc social in care poti schimba moneda virtuala pe bani reali.
Este 100% GRATIS. Deschiderea unui cont iti ia 2 minute.
Poti fi proprietar de firma, politician sau militar.
Exista peste 20 de tipuri de companii de la restaurante la banci sau loterii.
Poti face bani cu propria revista indiferent de ce subiect abordezi.
Poti cumpara si vinde orice, inclusiv alti jucatori.
Invitat-ti prietenii si castiga impozite pe viata de la ei.
Iti ia cel mult o ora pe zi pentru a-ti gestiona afacerile.
Trebuie sa ai +18 pentru a juca deoarece in ziarele si in
presa de pe site apar articole XXX invitatie

Anno1777 is an online game that simulates an economic, political and military system, like the real world. You are a citizen of the seventeenth century who fights on all levels to advance the social hierarchy. You can open businesses, become governor or you can build a military empire. Everything is up to you. Unlike other games of this type, the virtual money from ANNO1777 can be exchanged for real money and vice versa. In other words, a financial success in the virtual world of the game becomes a financial success in the real world. Anno1777 can be played directly from a browser like Internet Explorer and requires no downloads.

The rest of this introduction you can find it in game after you sign up so ill just go right ahead to the GOOD STUFF.

What can you do in Anno1777 ? First of all you need to understand that anno is not a game that requires a monthly fee it’s TOTALLY FREE. Howevere if you do decide to play this game it won’t be easy to start from scracth , in fact you’ll probbaly be working and attacking all day long if you don’t plan on investing any money. The smallest price for a company is 2 euros and that’s for the newspaper other vary between 10 to 50 euros (bank) . In the end you will be the one deciding wether this game is worthy of your time or not . You can make money, the only problem i see is wether youll make lunch money or REAL money .
Signup (by invite only)Click for Signup

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